


wednesdays - 8pm CET+2
classes in dutch/english depending on group
max. 10 participants

  • Creative flows based on Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations) that leave you feeling inspired.

  • Dynamic yoga style to create heath within your body and break a sweat. Amazing for your cardiovascular system.

  • Connects one movement to one breath to help create a focused mind & a calm body

  • Importance of finding the balance between effort & ease. You learn to listen to your body and are stimulated to find your own limits within these classes. A great way to grow awareness between body and mind.

  • In these classes the groups are limited to a maximum of 10 particpants so even though it is online, you will still receive personal guidance and feedback which is unique for online group classes.

  • Joining online classes is a good way to bring your yoga practice home, to create a safe space in your home where you get into the habit of slowing down and tuning in with what’s happening in that moment.
    It can help you to find a routine so you can more easily return to your practice on a daily basis.


  • you have at least participated in 5 - 10 more dynamic yoga classes before

  • you love to flow through movements and break a sweat while on the mat

  • you are looking for well balanced classes that also offer enough slow down time and help you to ground

  • you want to learn different breathing techniques

  • you want to challenge yourself within your own practice in a respectful way


  • You sign up for 3 classes at a time - when signing up: choose all the dates you would like to participate.

  • After singing up for your first class, you will receive an email with payment information within 3 working days.

  • Your investment is €50 for those 3 classes.

  • You receive an online class pass that is valid for the period of the next 6 scheduled classes.
    That way you can miss 1 class out of 2 and still use up all your sessions. I work with this system so that you don’t lose motivation after signing up and you keep showing up on your mat.



Creative soul behind Minty Oak Yoga, certified full time yoga teacher and experienced retreat and women’s circles host.

Aurélie doesn’t do anything if she can’t do it from a place of passion. During her vinyasa classes Aurélie’s vibrant personality will bring you into a gorgeous flow state in no time. Her warm nature makes you feel at home in her classes - creating a safe cocoon for you to fully let go and surrender into your practice.
She loves to bring you light, fun and flowy classes with the right amount of yogic wisdom, leaving you fully inspired at the end of every session.
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